Monday, September 24, 2012

Stage Fright on the Night

For some people it doesn't matter how experienced they are or how long they have performed on stage, for them those first night fears appear time and time again.
It's important to acknowledge that a little bit of fear is sometimes a good thing . . . it helps us to perform at our very best . . . to draw upon resources from deep within us . . . our inner strength, our determination, our motivation . . . all of these elements help us to stand up and put what we know to the test . . . to step in front of the spot lights and conquer our fears.

But when fears limit us and we become the "rabbit caught frozen in the headlights" it no longer helps us but hinders us. The experience of stage fright can be one of those moments when the world ceases to exist, you want to be swallowed up, your heart races, words don't seem to come out right, you can't wait for the curtain to come down . . . for it to all be over.

The audience however can sit in awe, admiration, they don't feel the fear or are even aware of the actors fears . . . they might even wish they had enough guts to do what those on stage are doing. How different our worlds are . . . how different we think, feel and behave . . . how different we think others think . . . it's all our own perception, our own projection of the world around us.

Thoughts can change, perceptions can change, our experience of our reality can change too . . . what if through tapping into the positive side of the stage fright adrenaline rush we could channel it into a more useful supportive internal experience of excitement . . . just like that butterflies in the stomach feeling when we are looking forward to some thing special . . . like walking down the isle or winning an award. Therapeutic Hypnosis as in the model of Cognitive Hypnotherapy can most certainly help lessen the negative side of fear and maintain the excitement of the stage performance.

So be curious at just what it might be that Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help you with to make the moment you step on stage the best thing in the world, that you want to harness and enjoy time and time again. . . the differences it could make to your career . . . your stage presence . . . as you confidently perform at your very best. . . you'll never know until you try it for yourself. . .

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