Thursday, September 6, 2012

Making all the Positive Differences Count

When it comes to making changes or working towards a goal, things tend to add up in many different ways. Sometimes you might not think that you are getting very far, but it's all the little things that count, that can add up to making a bigger difference in the end.
So when you work towards your goals it's not just about what you do, but also what you think and feel too.
If your thoughts are not in the right place, supporting the changes, then it can become an obstacle which can sometimes prevent you from achieving your very best. The saying goes, that "what you think so becomes" . . . so always start off by getting your mind into gear . . . believing in what you are wanting to do . . . knowing that it will happen . . . imagining what it will be like once you have already achieved it. . . all of these thoughts creating good positive feelings inside yourself . . . all of those positive feelings motivating and helping you move through the changes too.

Often we can get too wrapped up in what we haven't done yet, focusing too much on what is still to be done . . . rather than looking at just how far you have already come and the positive differences these changes have made. . . getting you back into a forward flow towards your goals. Every step counts, anything more than nothing is a success, however big or small, they all add up in the end towards being closer to the end results.

See what you can do today which is a positive step for you in the right direction of where you most want to be!

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