Friday, September 21, 2012

Laugh at Mistakes . . .

How do you see the world around you?

We can all see the world in different ways, so maybe when something at first may appear to you as a 'Mistake' then perhaps to someone else it's not . . . it could be the perfect opportunity to learn, develop, change and improve.

Now there is a thought . . . what if a mistake is simply a 'miss take' . . . something which means we can do it again and again, but maybe tweek to a different way . . . just like in acting, the phrase that comes to mind is "That's a Take!" . . . when the action is just right and the results have been shot/filmed just as the director anticipated them in his/her mind. 

So all we need to do it keep practising, tweeking until the results are a "Take".
So practise feeling lighter about a mis-take, it's nothing right or wrong, just different!
And even better than that, if you can learn to laugh at your mistakes, then it helps you move through them even quicker.
Laughter is the best therapy of all.
When we can laugh at ourselves, in a light hearted way, then we can begin to see the fun side of life. Then life can be fun, a joy to enjoy!

We can laugh at our mistakes, and discover what it was we 'missed' until through practising it again with the missing part included it becomes the "Take".

Practise . . . practise . . . practise . . . laugh and have fun . . . eventually you will get there (wherever there maybe for you!) . . . and the best thing of all is that as you're learning how to get there, you can enjoy the journey and have fun too.

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