Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

At our therapy room in Northamptonshire in the Midlands where we practice as hypnotherapists, using hypnotherapeutic techniques, and hypnosis we often see clients who suffer from IBS. Research has shown that 18-20% of women and 10-12% of men suffer in the UK from irritable bowel syndrome this figure could be a lot higher as many sufferers (mainly men) do not report this to a Doctor through fear of embarrassment or Doctors diagnosing in many different ways.
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)which is an independent organisation, dedicated to promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health in 2008 identified how hypnosis, hypnotherapy and hypnotherapeutic techniques can play an important part in reducing the symptoms of IBS. This was a met analysis of research carried out in the UK and the USA from studies taken over a 4 year period. In one study it was reported that the overall improvement of symptoms and welling scored weekly on a scale of 0-3 (where 0 is no improvement and 3 is maximum improvement)showed that patients in the study receiving hypnotherapy increased from baseline 0 (no improvement) to a mean weekly value of 2.95 which is statistically significant or in other words hypnosis nearly achieved maximum improvement. Similar success was replicated in reducing the symptoms of bloating the benefit being that overall quality of life was improved . Although in some quarters hypnosis remains a controversial intervention a body of evidence would suggest and indeed support, that along with a sensible lifestyle programme, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnothepeutic techniques can be very effective indeed in reducing the symptoms of IBS.


  1. Hello Edd,
    I was diagnosed with IBS several years ago and it can be quite debilitating. If I try hypnotherapy is it likely to go away or will the symptoms just reduce? I'd love that bloated feeling to go away once and for all.

  2. Hello,
    Extensive research has been conducted into IBS and it has been found that Hypnosis is extremely beneficial in reducing the symptoms and aiding relief of IBS.
    No guarantees can be made that IBS will disappear completely, however hypnosis will certainly help to reduce the frequency and severity of the symptoms.
    Kindest Regards, Edd
