Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Smile and the World Smiles with You!

They say a smile can speak a thousand words . . .

A smile is infectious . . . smile at others and watch it spread . . .

Do you know how good smiling is for you?
How beneficial it is to your Immune System and sense of Wellbeingness . . . mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually!

So just for today practise smiling . . . smile to yourself . . . smile at others . . . smile at your pets even!

It not only makes you feel good, but you may also brighten someone else's day . . . and how good is that!

Would love to hear your smiling adventures and spread the smiles around . . .

I'll start . . .

"This morning I smiled at my cats as they raced past me to run upstairs and snuggled on the bed for the day . . . "


  1. I hope my comment puts a smile on your face Lori. i did promise did i not!

  2. Smiled at my roses today . . . still flowering

  3. I smiled when I heard the sound of a Merlin engine and watched a Spitfire doing barrel rolls and loop da loops over our house this afternoon
