Saturday, October 27, 2012

Boost Your Immune System

Well today in Northamptonshire the cold Autumnal weather has finally arrived, as I'm sure it has all around the Country too! I had a lovely facebook message from a dear Yoga friend in Finland saying it snowed yesturday. . . as beautiful as it is, I'm thankful we don't have any yet.

With seasonal change often comes challenges to our Immune System, the starts of coughs and colds are already floating around. So alongside our extra doses of Vitamin C, Zinc and Echinacea I thought I'd share my offering of an easy immune system tonic recipe which I've used for many years now, which is an old wives remedy health drink ~ Cider Vinegar, Honey & Water.

As easy as ~ 2 tblsp Apple Cider Vinegar + 2 tsp Honey (to taste) + 5 tblsp water (warm or room temp)

Simply mix the vinegar and honey first until dissolved, then add the water and drink! It's a bit like a sharp apple juice, so adjust the honey and water suit your tastes.
Recommended daily to help maintain health, or soothe throats, or help clear chest infections. Try it out to see how you might like it too!

And if this finds you already feeling under the weather (so to speak!) then please click on this link and you can download my FREE "Healing Garden" hypnosis track to help speed up the healing process and increase your sense of wellbeing.

Wishing you a happy and healthy Autumn!

Pass it on and share with others . . .


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