Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Therapeutic Effects of Gardening

With such glorious weather over the last few days, it has been such a joy to be out in the garden, starting to plan, plant, sow, weed and tend all the various plants which we have in mind to grow, eat and enjoy this coming summer and autumn.
Gardening is good for you and if you haven't tried it for yourself yet, then I'd highly recommend you giving it a go! It's so easy to sow a few seeds and things do grow, even in the smallest of spaces.

In my spare time, I just love being outside, being in tune with nature and in our garden.
It lifts your spirit and keeps you grounded and balanced.

As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, I often see clients who are going through difficult stages in their lives, and encourage them to find an outdoor hobby like gardening, as it can really help them feel more positive and inspired. Even colleges, schools, universities and some business companies, are recognising the positive influences of growing your own produce, tending a small garden plot of flowers, herbs & veggies for staff, students and employees alike. It's great to see these 'Wellbeing' projects on the go ~ and the great thing is, that we all benefit!
It's good for the environment too, all those bees and butterflies help support plant pollination and need to be encouraged into our gardens more and more.

Standing in my front garden earlier on today, it just makes me smile every time I step outside! My beautiful spring flowers are blossoming and appearing everywhere.

So next time you feel a little down or disheartened, take yourself off to a beautiful garden somewhere, or maybe simply go for a walk around your local neighbourhood and look out for all the hidden gems of flowers and plants which we walk past without sometimes even noticing. . . it may surprise you, that there is more than you thought! And if there aren't that many, then maybe you could start your own garden revolution, whether it's a couple of pots, a hanging basket, a window sill of herbs or anything else that you can enjoy.
What I'm looking forward to more, is the impact of the Olympics from last year and hoping to see lots of glorious wild flower meadows popping up around the country. Please share yours if you do one!
Best wishes and Happy Gardening,
Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Integral Yoga Teacher

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