Sunday, January 20, 2013

Learning to Relax helps you Be at your very Best!

Stress . . . Busy . . . Work . . . Family . . . Friends . . . Un-well . . . Time . . . Pressure . . . Study . . .
We all live such busy lives in this day and age, often forgetting the importance to take some quality time-out every now and then to relax, de-stress and re-charge our batteries. Which is essential for us to function at our very best.
To maintain our health and wellbeing we need a good combination of physical exercise/activities, mental relaxation, balanced diet, fresh air for healthy oxygenation in our lungs, good quality sleep, time for ourselves, and that feel good factor of emotional wellbeing by keeping in good company of family, friends and loved ones.
You always know when things are starting to get on top of you, because you can begin to feel run-down, tired, irritable and become more prone to illness. How many times I hear of people who have just been so busy with work and deadlines etc, working themselves almost silly up until the moment that they know they are going to have some time off, perhaps planned holidays . . . and off they set, finally ready to have some well earnt time off . . . only to find themselves coming down with a cold or being un-well for part of their holiday time. It's like the body is finally given permission to rest and has decided it will make you rest and slow you down even more through sickness. Your body does need rest! Not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. We are made up of energy ~ so to maintain our energy ~ we have to look after it.

As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master therapist and Integral Yoga Teacher, I can fully appreciate that everyone ultimately needs time to rest, re-couperate and re-charge on a regular basis. I can sense the energy and dynamics of the majority of my Yoga students as they filter in for their weekly classes . . . their needs to stretch, breathe and then allow themselves to relax . . . gradually throughout the class seeing their energies change, re-align and let go of the things they no longer need . . . so by the time they lie down for the Yoga Nidra relaxation at the end they are in the right space and zone to drop into a deep and peaceful place.
For some people, Yoga is not for them, they need quick, fast, energetic activities ~ which is great, we are all different. But one thing I'm always mindful of is that ultimately we all need the same . . . the ability to relax and relax deeply is essential to us all (perhaps even more so for those who are fast paced souls).
So if you are wanting to discover just how beneficial learning to relax is for you, then I run monthly Deep Relaxation Evenings in Oundle, Northamptonshire. The first friday every month from 7pm - 8.30pm at the Joan Strong Hall, for £7 a session. Everyone is welcome, no experience is necessary, you will be guided through different layers of relaxation, meditation and pranayama (breathing techniques), so you can practise them at home too. All you need to bring is a yoga mat or something to lie down on, a cushion for seated comfort in meditation and pranayama breathing practises, and a warm blanket to put over you in the longer Yoga Nidra relaxation.

Learning to truly relax deeply takes time and practise, so each month, you'll find yourself being able to let go more and more, going deeper and deeper into the most relaxing place for you to rest the most. Relaxation makes you feel fit for life!

Some of the benefits of Relaxation are:
* Can help to alleviate the signs of stress
* Help us feel more emotionally settled and peaceful in ourselves
* Let go of un-needed worries or fears
* Release excess muscular tension
* Aids healing process
* Rests our heart and helps reduce High Blood Pressure
* Deepens our breathing, strengthening our lungs, aiding respiration
* Improves our sleep
* Improves our over-all health and wellbeing
plus much more . . .

For more details on coming along to the Deep Relaxation Evenings, then please go to my What's On page at

I will look forward to welcoming you on Friday 1st February for your journey into peaceful relaxation.

Best wishes
Mind & Body Wellbeing

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