Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hypnotherapy Hypnosis Self-Hypnosis ~ it's all in the mind.

All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis.
Well, if you think about that, it means we are all 100% responsible for our thoughts, our behaviours, our interpretations of the world around us. Ultimately it's all in the mind. And what is great to know, is that we can change our minds. Thoughts are just thoughts, they can be shaped, molded, changed, guided towards whatever direction we choose to take them into. . . ( . . . if we really want to!)
So if all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, then how come we're not all channeling our thoughts and lives to how we want them to be?
Well all hypnosis IS self-hypnosis, but sometimes we live our lives in a trance of ignorance, only seeing what we want to see, not imagining that things could change and be different. 
As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, part of my job is to guide clients towards realising that change is possible, that things can be totally different from how they've always been. The answers are always within, but sometimes we need to be shown the way, the journey into understanding, discovery and realisation of many different things, that mean we can be different.

The light needs to be switched on, so clarity can be found. . .

Through clarity, we can learn from the past, accept, forgive, heal, in whatever way is right for us personally, to be able to let go and move on in a positive and empowering way.

To me, Hypnotherapy is like a torch being gently shone into the darker shadow aspects of the mind, so that these shadows can become lighter and lighter until that clarity and understanding are there, the shadows and confusion have gone, leaving you with a much more positive outlook towards yourself and your life . . . change happens, freeing you up to be who you want to be.

So the only person ever holding you back in your life . . . is YOU.

Only you can take yourself to where you need to be for change to take place. Which means that you are always in control of how light or deep you go into hypnosis. You have total control of your mind. Nobody can make you do what you don't want to do. So the most important thing to think about is do you really want to create change and are you truly ready?
The saying goes "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"

So, if you're reading this and thinking about some of the aspects of your life that weighs you down, or you wish were different and could change . . . then you are in the perfect place to actually DO something about it. Because to actually change . . . you have to take action, to do something that starts those wheels of motion turning.
Take responsibility.
Be back in control of your life and outcomes.
You will feel so much better when you do, which is a good thing to know that the professional guidance of an experienced Cognitive Hypnotherapist is a positive one. You can have fun feeling better as you change those shadows into lighter brighter places!

We are all different, unique in many ways of how we think and perceive the world through our own eyes. Cognitive Hypnotherapy flows beautifully with uniqueness, being a flexible therapy model tailored to suit our thoughts and perceptions. This personal approach means you can move through those shadows at the right pace and speed for you to get to where you need to be, in the way that is right for you.
You can discover more about my Hypnotherapy practice in Harley Street, London and Northamptonshire by visiting www.mindbodywellbeing.co.uk 

Or you may know of someone who is searching for answers, looking for change, or stuck in their own shadows and share this knowledge with them . . . it could be the start of a very positive New Year in 2013. 

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