Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Be Kind to Each Other Today!

National Kindness Day ~ Tuesday 13th November 
A Nation spreading kindness! Tuesday November 13th is not just a National Day of Kindness but a World Kindness Day, so let us all embrace it across our Nation, Counties, into all of our towns & villages, it’s a wonderful thing which everyone can do . . . to be mindful of showing some extra kindness towards others & it doesn’t cost a penny! The many benefits of the effects of being kind have been extensively researched at how kindness can increase our personal happiness. One of my favorite writers on the benefits of kindness is Dr David Hamilton PhD “Why Kindness is Good for You”, so as well as it making us feel happier inside, the increased emotional warmth releases the positive ‘cardioprotective’ hormone Oxytocin which can help our hearts by reducing blood pressure, it can slow down the aging process as there is a strong link between showing compassion & activity in the Vagus Nerve, which also helps to regulate the heart rate & controls inflammation in the body, it improves our relationships & it becomes contagious like a ripple effect acting kinder towards others inspires them to feel much kinder too!
In my Cognitive Hypnotherapy practice I often explore many ways to help clients explore this feel good factor, so they can increase their personal wellbeing & happiness. So I suggest doing some ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ ~ everyday to look for 3 different ways to do a random act of kindness towards some one else, so here are some of them which I challenge us all to do:~
·      Hold a door open for someone
·      Pay someone a nice compliment
·      Surprise someone with a cup of tea
·      Make a lovely meal for a loved one or friend ~ especially if this is not the norm!
·      Smile as you pass people in the street
·      Clean someone’s car for them
·      Give up your seat to another on the bus/train/tube
·      Offer to help someone who might be struggling ~ either crossing the road or carrying heavy bags
·      See what you could do to help a neighbour
·      Be kind to yourself too
Remember that being kind is in thought, spoken word & deed, so everything counts in the happiness factor. Enjoy the kindness of each other today, it may start a ripple effect across the world for weeks to come!

 Please feel free to share some kindness stories here today . . .
Have a beautiful day today!

1 comment:

  1. Today has been a beautiful day, starting with a heart warming Yoga class this morning, developing and enhancing kindness in the heart chakra ~ anahata. Lovely messages of light flowing out all day. Finishing this evening with another Yoga group at tonights class . . . Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
