Monday, April 26, 2010

NCH Help for Heroes

Visit the above link to the National Council for Hypnotherapy website for further information about their Help for Heroes campaign to help support home coming service men & women.
There are many Qualified & Experienced Hypnotherapists Nationwide who offer their first session free as part of this campaign.
We are also on this register & find that many people really benefit from discovering more about how Hypnosis can help find balance & alignment once more.

Post Traumatic Stress is sadly a common side effect of war situations & coming to terms with mental & physical scars can make life a struggle. Cognitive Hypnotherapy & NLP techniques can help to heal these wounds & make life more manageable.

If you know anyone who may be in need of our services or other Hypnotherapists, then please pass on this link.

Best Wishes

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Getting Results

Some may say that there are no hard and fast rules in making changes in your life,I would suggest that the single biggest factor which holds most folks back is fear- fear that a change may be worse than that which is being experienced at this moment in time.Mostly we fear change because of our parental social and cultural conditioning - conditioning which inhibits the natural and inner wisdom which we all posses and potentially stifle any change before it has a chance to take place. Big fears are usually made up of lots of little fears which over time accumulate and if not dealt with properly can prevent us from reaching our true potential.
Time line therapy is an excellent way of dealing with fears, replacing them with a much more useful strategy for life. The key is to take 100% responsibility for making that change now!
Best Wishes