Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back pain Its all in the mind say scientists

A recent article in the Daily Telegraph (front page Friday the 26th of February) suggests that back pain might be all in the mind and sufferers should seek psychological help, researchers have suggested. This is following a comprehensive piece of research by Sarah Lamb professor of rehabilitation at Warwick University. During the research 468 patients were given six sessions of cognititve bahavioural therapy in a group situation and 233 were not. Those receiving therapy recorded twice as large a fall in their pain and disability the findings were published in the LANCET. The scientists believed that the therapy worked by changing the way that the patients felt. This following a recent article on pain in the Times where a professor of anesthesia at Oxford University was quoted as saying that "for too long pain has been seen as sensory when really it is an emotion".Hypnosis & Timeline, Therapy, are really effective interventions in dealing with emotions that are not working to our advantage. It is possible to feel real immediate benefits of reduced pain and also in the longer term dependence on medication.
Best Wishes
Edd ,

1 comment:

  1. Great healthy news you have shared on back pain. thank you for your support on this issue.
    Regards, NSAID supplement
