Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 a new decade for change & setting new goals

How do you feel as we come to the end of yet another decade in the 21st century?
Have you achieved what you set out to do, are you where & who you want to be?

A New Year for me is always a time for reflection, to look back on my successes & analyse what I have not quite achieved . . . yet . . . & then look forwards to the year of possiblities ahead.

There is a saying in NLP which is "There is no Failure . . . only Feedback!"

Just imagine what it would be like to apply that focus to everything we do in life, how we could just step back & look at what we could learn from a situation . . . which by learning it means we could see the opportunities & endless possibilities to create positive change towards achieving our goals.
So what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail . . . ?

When you think about your year ahead & the direction you'd like it to take . . . what if you had no plans? You would have no direction!
We all need a balance with goals, ones that support us in all areas of life ~ personal development; work & career; relationships & family; Health & Fitness. After all it's no good being successful in Business if you work all hours under the sun & have poor health & relationships.
At Sahasrara we specialise in helping you actualise your goals, check they are in balance & help you break through any limiting beliefs that may have stopped you before in the past. Hypnotherapy, NLP & TimeLine Therapy can help you create & maintain the changes you seek.
So whether your goals are around health & fitness ~ stopping smoking or losing weight; work ~ a new career or promotion; relationships & family ~ finding love & happiness; then start 2010 as you mean to go on.
It's all about taking action . . . we can talk about doing things for years . . . but actually achieving successes is all in the doing, the action.
So what would you like to take control of & change?

Sahasrara Consultancy - Hypnotherapy in Northants: SlimQuest Launches into Kettering, Northamptonshire!

Sahasrara Consultancy - Hypnotherapy in Northants: SlimQuest Launches into Kettering, Northamptonshire!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

SlimQuest Launches into Kettering, Northamptonshire!

Exciting news for Northamptonshire in January 2010, as Lori Curbishley-Brown
starts as a SlimQuest Coach in the area.
SlimQuest is a successful 6 week weight-loss progamme for small groups.
How would you like to be part of it & start your New Year weight loss off to
a flying start.
The SlimQuest approach helps you to control food cravings, break unwanted
habits around eating, gain motivation to succeed & lose weight!
The first course begins on Monday 11th January 6.30pm - 7.30pm at The
Kettering Park & Spa Hotel, Kettering, Nothamptonshire.
So if food is your issue or emotional comfort source then discover how the
SlimQuest model can help you create the positive changes you seek for a
lifetime of healthy eating & a new way to see your relationship to food. So
if you could imagine what you would like to be in the future & how would
would see yourself & how this would make you feel, then just imagine
starting this new lighter, more confident you in 2010.
No diet involved, just new ways of thinking & feeling about how & what you
Remember weight loss helps you gain a healthy approach to life.
Lori is a fully qualified Cognitive Hypnotherapist & Master Practitioner of
NLP & has her own private Hypnotherapy practise in Islip, Northants., called
Contact Lori for further details or bookings.