Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Why worry about all those worries?

This morning I read today's beautiful reading from Sri Swami Satchidananda's book "The Golden Present".
And I'd like to share it with you here: ~

Hundreds of Worries

How many wants do you have? How many things do you worry about?
"I don't have this."  "I didn't get that."  "I don't have a nice enough office." "I didn't get the car I wanted." "I don't have an air conditioner."  "I didn't get what I wanted to eat." . . . . 
There are all kinds of unnecessary worries. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of worries.
How can you even lift a small blade of grass with that kind of attitude?
The mind is the main source of health and happiness. 
The same mind can completely rob you of all your health and happiness, if you don't train it properly.
Heat, humidity, cold, hunger ~ all these conditions are nothing if your mind is calm and balanced.

So many things we take for granted, so many things we worry about needlessly, taking up energy and making us unwell. Emotional stress can effect our daily lives. So try putting your worries into context. Try seeing them from a different perspective. Train the mind to see positives rather than negatives. Once you realize it's all in the mind, it's easier to re-frame it towards something that supports you, instead of weighing you down.
I teach my yoga students and therapy clients how to train their minds in a positive way, so daily stresses and concerns can be let go of far more easily and the mind can become more peaceful, easeful and useful.
You can find out more here www.mindbodywellbeing.co.uk

Remember that golden song . . .  "Don't worry . . . be Happy!"
Wishing you a peaceful week ahead.
Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Integral Yoga Teacher
Mind Body Wellbeing
Islip, Kettering, Northants.,

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hypnosis for Fear of Flying

This time of year is an exciting time for many, as we come into the holiday season.
Maybe you have already been away . . . maybe your booked holiday is coming soon . . . or maybe you are yet to book a last minute deal or go later in the year.

The big question really is . . . "Do you feel free to holiday where you like, or does the Fear of Flying stop you?"

As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, I know only too well the debilitating experiences that have clouded many clients lives before coming to see me to overcome their phobias and fears around flying.
The fear of flying has many different aspects ~ for some it's the fear of being out of control, for others it's around the fear of heights, for others it's the fear of death or dying often linked to the "What if . . ." question, for example ~ what if something happened, the plane was hijacked, or exploded or crashed . . . etc etc.

As with all phobias, there will be specific triggers which start the thoughts, fears and phobic responses into play. These triggers will have often been sparked from an unconscious thought process from our childhood, whether connected to planes or flying or something else. It simply becomes a habitual behaviour and emotional response towards the source of your fear/phobia.

As with all phobias, phobic responses to flying are unique to each individual, and through the Cognitive Hypnotherapy approach the patterns can be changed, reframed and resolved in the ways that are right for you personally. Cognitive Hypnotherapy tailors hypnosis and positive psychology methods to each client, helping them move through their fears and phobias in a way that's just right for them.
Hypnosis techniques connected to overcoming phobias are powerful and supportive ways, which not only help you feel 'back in control', but also much more confident in yourself in many different situations. Fears simply hold us back and stop us from living our lives to the full. Resolving these fears, frees you up to enjoy being you and feel comfortable in yourself and your surroundings, wherever you are, whom ever you are with. . .
You can fly and feel free to enjoy flying too!
Contact Harshani at Mind Body Wellbeing in Islip, Kettering, Northamptonshire, for a confidential consultation, and start looking forward to that sense of freedom being yours, sooner than you once thought possible.