Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Solstice . . . the longest day

Today is the longest day of the year . . . the Summer Solstice . . . a flow into Summer.

Remember that even today, rain or shine the sun energy is at it's height and is shining upon you no matter what! So breathe in the energy, the prana, the ki source from the sun and let it inspire you to make the most of every moment in this day.

Fill it to the full, be in the moment & enjoy your day from beginning to the end.

Be full of sun energy!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mind Body Wellbeing - Hypnotherapy in Northants: Do you take the Weather with you???

Mind Body Wellbeing - Hypnotherapy in Northants: Do you take the Weather with you???

Do you take the Weather with you???

How does the weather affect you?

Are you happy come what may ~ whether we are having sunny days, windy days, wet days, cold frosty days . . . or do you change with the weather and match it's vibration?

We are all so different in our likes and dislikes ~ yet so many people find their moods change with the weather ~ and sometimes not for the better.

Just see if you can take that step back, come rain or shine and find something really positive about what it brings ~ just because others are feeling hot, cold, happy, fed-up, down ~ doesn't mean you have to follow suit.
There is always a positive benefit that comes with every ray of sun and every drop of rain ~ so see whether you can find "that silver lining" in all weather . . . and spread that energy around!

Just enjoy everyday for what it is!