Saturday, January 16, 2010

Quit Smoking For Good!

It's only the middle of January and already more than 20 people have told me they want to quit smoking. That it was their New Year resolution but already they are struggling. If they are not back on the tobacco already, they are eating more junk food or sweet stuff than ever before - literally replacing one undesirable habit with another!

I can totally understand why they'd want to give up. After all smoking is said to account for 90% of lung cancer deaths. What's more, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) states that tobacco smoking can also cause cancers of the following sites: upper aero-digestive tract (oral cavity, nasal cavity, nasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus), pancreas, stomach, liver, bladder, kidney, cervix, bowel, ovary (mucinous) and myeloid leukaemia.

It's also pretty anti-social these days, now it's banned in public places. And it's a jolly expensive habit to boot. So quitting (or rather stopping) would seem to make good sense, whether you're a seasoned smoker or a part-time puffer.

You wouldn't be alone in your quest to stop either. In a survey carried out last year for the Office of National Statistics, 66% of smokers said that they wanted to give up. Health concerns were the most commonly mentioned reasons for quitting, with 86% of people who wanted to give up mentioning at least one health reason. After health, the next most common reasons were costs (27%), family pressure (20%) and the effect on their children (15%). A similar picture to this year, I imagine.

So just how do you stop smoking, and not get addicted to something else?
Well, it's easier than you may think. At Sahasrara we deliver a highly effective programme around stopping smoking for our clients to achieve success. We help them explore the emotional reasons why they smoke and resolve these at cause. The programme teaches them how to overcome cravings and change habits for better more supportive ones for them. We use the power of suggestion to undo the desire to smoke and replace it with a desire to do something far healthier for them. And it's a really pleasant experience. In a trance state you get to relax in a way that you probably haven't done for a very long time. Plus you are more likely to enjoy a good night's sleep that evening too.

We also follow up on our clients, to make sure they have really kicked the habit once and for all. To our delight, over 90% of people tell us that they have and because the programme includes a follow-up session the rest conquer it then. The feedback we get is that they've not even had any craving to do so - quite the opposite in fact. And it doesn't matter whether they're immersed in a room with other smokers or not.

Now considering the cost of a stopping smoking programme of Hypnotherapy (often less than heavy smokers spend on cigarettes in one month), that is a good reason alone to try it?

So, if you'd like to quit smoking for good, just give us a call.
Or if you've a question you'd like to ask about the programme, just post a comment below.

Best Wishes

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Is Weight Loss all in the Mind???

So, what do you actually think . . . is Weight Loss all in the Mind?

Recently, there has been much added excitement around the benefits of hypnosis for aiding and supporting weight loss.
We read all about Paul McKenna promising “I can make you thin!” and our latest celebrity Hypnotherapist Susan Hepburn has recently hit the headlines in National papers for her Hypnodiet podcast and her weight loss successes amongst the celebrity world of Lily Allen and the Duchess of York.

So what does that mean to people on the street?

Can everyone afford the Harley Street prices of £270 plus per hour to enjoy the benefits of slimming through Hypnosis?

Generally and especially this time of the year, after the Christmas bills have come in, the answer maybe to just buy the book and listen to the CD or podcast. However, often the self-motivation starts to wane and things get put to the back of the shelf.

So how does hypnosis work for weight loss?

Well our minds are very powerful tools to create new behaviours and change.
If you think “I am fat!” then guess what, your body will help you prove it and weight will always be an on-going battle.

What you focus on you attract.

So changing your thoughts to support you in your weight loss goals helps you to achieve these much more easily. If you can imagine yourself in the future looking slimmer, feeling fitter and happier, then your unconscious mind has a positive direction for you to go in.

Do you believe this will work for you?