Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Magic, Snowballs, & Hypnosis

Hypnosis, Hypnotists,Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapeutic interventions what are they and I am often asked "just how does hypnosis work"? my answer is, its "magic" or in many cases it can be just like a "snowball effect". Lets look at the two effects separately.
The magical effect is when a client has an hypnosis session and its as if a magic wand has been waved over them and their presenting issue has gone instantly- fantastic! - as if by "magic"!
The snowball effect is experienced by a number of hypnosis sessions each session reinforcing the previous session thus creating a "snowball effect" - or in other words a momentum or gathering together of new behaviour over a period of time.
Both effects have created real change permanently,reinforcement ensures that change lasts.
At Sahasarara in Northamptonshire in the midalnds all our clients are given a personalised CD or MP3 download to help the process along.
Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, is a truly amazing method to rapidly change responses and behaviours.
All behaviour and responses are learned, hypnosis rapidly allows the process of unlearning and relearning so that new behaviours and responses are automatic.
Rapid learning is allowed by bypassing the conscious critical factor of the mind/brain,(the critical factor is thought to be a relic of evolution in that it slows down the process of learning for survival purposes),hypnosis does this quickly effectively painlessly and safely.
Sometimes learning something new can take a little time, remember learning to ride a bicycle, drive a car, swim or read and write. Generally speaking you were shown the basics and the methodology then with practice this was reinforced until it became automatic.
In conclusion; hypnosis enables rapid and permanent change, learning anything new requires practice or reinforcing so hypnosis can be both "magic" or "snowball gathering snow" Begin your practice at Sahasrara consultancy for hypnosis, hypnotherapy,NLP,TFT,And Timeline Therapy

Monday, September 14, 2009

Heart Attacks Plummet after Smoking Ban

Sat in my office in Northamptonshire in the midlands where we practice as Hypnotherapists I am reflecting on a conversation with a client who has recently stopped smoking having had a hypnotic intervention.A recent article in the Times newspaper ( reported a larger and sharper fall in the incident of heart attacks since the smoking ban was introduced in England in 2007. Causing rates of heart attacks to fall by about 10%, the percentage gain is even higher in Scotland which introduced the ban a year earlier. There, rates of heart attack have fallen by about 14%. According to the Times this is one of the most significant gains to public health that Britain has ever seen! Although less is known of cigarette smokes ability to to trigger heart heart attacks than its role in lung cancer its contribution to its effects are beginning to be better understood, Ellen Mason a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation said "Exposure to cigarette smoke induces rapid changes in blood chemistry ,making it prone to clotting.In someone who has narrowed or damaged coronary arteries, smoke exposure can cause a heart attack."
At Sahasrara consultancy in Northamptonshire in the Midlands we have had great success helping individuals overcome their cigarette habit using Hypnosis Hypnotherapy, and Hypnotherpeutic techniques without our clients feeling that they are giving anything up, only gaining a healthier and wealthier future!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Back To Study?

Back to study after the summer holidays? Sat in my office in Northamptonshire in the Midlands I read many studies on Hypnosis,Hypnotherapy, Hypnotic techniques and trance states of hypnosis.
Have you experienced the moment when you have read something and then thought "what on earth have I just read"? This sometimes is the minds way of escaping from physical or mental overload resulting from intense mental concentration over too long a period of time, when this happens its possible to experience a hypnotic trance. Its commonly known that we experience trance as an everyday experience like when you are driving and arriving somewhere without knowing how you got there, or putting your keys down at not being able to find them only for someone to find them "right under your nose" where they have been all the time.
Its important to have a strategy for success and to eliminate unproductive study time. Research has proven that after 40 or 50 minutes our minds begin to wander our concentration begins to wane and we find it difficult to retain information.This has nothing to do with intelligence but is the minds way of signaling take a break , to do something different. A good tactic would be to build in a rest or something different every 40-50 minutes to maintain concentration and aid integration of information .A great way of doing this would be take a short walk or go and have a cup of tea or if your feeling particularly energetic a light stretching session.Use the alarm function on your mobile phone to divide your study time up into manageable chunks.
Not enough attention is paid to diet when studying, its important to maintain a steady blood sugar level by eating sensibly, and maybe having a bowl of fresh fruit on hand to snack on, as an alternative to crisps, chocolates and sweets. This will help prevent hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia which is to little or to much sugar in the blood stream and also making sure that by drinking enough fluid dehydration is avoided another obstacle to effective study.
Some may find it helpful with their studys to book one or two sessions on focus and motivation to really sharpen up their study skills or pehaps look at coaching over a longer period of time to really "add the edge" especially when studying. Hypnosis NLP and timeline therapy are really useful tools to helping with a postive outcome around study. At our therapy room in Northamptonshire in the Midlands we are able to help many focus and relieve the stress of study using hypnosis, hypnotherpay, hypnotic, and hypnotherpuetic techniques and suggestion.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hypnosis and relaxation

Sitting in my office in Northamptonshire in the Midlands having completed a hypnosis session with a client who calls me her hypnotist not hypnotherapist,some clients still insist in calling us hypnotists rather than hypnotherapists in the profession of hypnosis there is a very distinct difference
A recent article brought to my attention in the independent newspaper Advising that relaxation is key to good health and well being advice which has been known by practitioners of yoga and meditation alike for thousands of years
Its only recently that science has been able to provide "hard" evidence that relaxation methods used by long term practitioners of yoga and meditation have indeed increased disease fighting genes, those who practised no form of relaxation at all were found to have very few of these beneficial genes at all.
Professor Herbert Benson who lead the research at the Harvard medical school reported "we found that a range of disease-fighting genes were active in the relaxation practitioners that were not active in the control group" they describe the protective genes that control disorders such as pain,infertility,high blood pressure,and even rheumatoid arthritis as "switched on" or "induced" by what was described as the relaxation effect.
Hypnosis is seen as a particularly effective method of deeply relaxing. By deeply relaxing we are able to reduce the negative effects of the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol, which raise the heart rate and blood pressure, weaken the immune system and can lower fertility, by deeply relaxing we are able to counter stress which is linked to the sympathetic nervous system or the "flight or fight syndrome" and instead introduce higher levels of feel good chemicals hormones such as serotonin and growth hormone which promote the repair of cells and tissues. When we are in a state of "flight or fight" or stress, muscles which are useful to be used for danger tighten and contract and processes which are deemed as non essential like the immune system and digestion are ignored.
One can use hypnosis as a very effective technique to switch on the parasympathetic nervous system which operates when we are relaxed to promote health and well being . To gain full benefit from relaxation techniques including hypnosis it is important to practice them regularly on a daily basis for a minimum of 15 minutes.As part of our service to our clients we are on request able to teach them self hypnosis to enable them to fully benefit from our hypnotherapeutic sessions, and continue to practice hypnotic states as part of their strategy to help them relax.
Best Wishes